Safety Tips From The Costa Rica Sun

Safety Tips From The Costa Rica Sun Banner

Costa Rica’s hot is a whole new heat and so worth it. While not technically any hotter, it’s definitely more paradise hot! This is not necessarily a bad thing. Your skin will glow like a baby’s bum. Your lungs will sing. You won’t get sick, not even once. And you definitely don’t have to worry about annoying things like sweatshirts and all the heavy stuff. You are free like a bird and your soul loves it.

Image of Beach in Costa Rica

The tropical, equatorial February sun is relentless, especially between the hours of 9am and 4 pm. At 12pm, it hits with intensity, it will burn your skin the longer you are exposed to it.

A few tips on how to use the sun in a healthy way.

  1. Do not fear the rainy season!!

Rainy season happens between the months of June – October but it’s not as rainy as you might think. Yes, it might rain often, but it doesn’t rain for long. An hour in the afternoon, if that. So you can still get up, put in a half-day working or hanging out at the beach, get lunch and then enjoy a few afternoon showers—which will quickly dry up just as fast. The benefit of Costa Rica during rainy season- It’s cooler and that’s definitely a bonus for anyone who needs a break from the hot sometimes.

2. Bring the right type of clothes!!

Clothes that do not work well in humidity: POLYESTER. Clothes that do work well in humidity: COTTON. You’ll also want to stick to light-colored clothing—because black will attract heat. Remember that you won’t need jeans, jackets, long sleeves or anything heavy. And you certainly won’t need boots. Flip flops and sandals or just your feet in the sand and bathing suits or shorts anything goes in Costa Rica. I wouldn’t worry about it too much!

3. Sun hours.

The first 2 hours and the last 2 hours of sun are the best time to be out. Early morning and late afternoon sun gives all the benefits without risk of frying your skin. Use your shadow as a guide– the longer shadow you cast, the safer the sun. If you don’t see your shadow, that means either the sun is directly overhead and get some shade.

Image of Sunset View at Costa Rica Beach

4. Hydrate.

Drink plenty of water, agua de pipa, iced tea, and refrescos. Choose drinks with less sugar. Hydrating with liquids does not mean drinking beers or alcohol. Drinking alcoholic beverages in these conditions causes dehydration. If you do drink alcohol during the heat of the day, drink some water with each alcoholic beverage.

Related Article: Costa Rica Expecting Heatwave


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