July Is Gardening Time In Costa Rica

Costa Rica, with its diverse microclimates and lush landscapes, offers a  unique gardening experience year-round. July, situated in the heart of the  green season, is a particularly vibrant time for gardeners. 

July is usually one of the best  

months of the year for gardening  

in Costa Rica. Ticos refer to this  

time as “el veranillo de San  

Juan” (“little summer of San  

Juan”), a period of less rain and  

more warm, sunny days before  

the heavy rains begin in August.  

Most of the crops planted earlier  

this year are now beginning their  


Costa Rica's climate varies significantly depending on the region.  Generally, July falls within the rainy season (May to November), also  known as the "green season." The rains, however, are typically not  constant and are interspersed with sunny spells, providing the perfect  conditions for gardening. The temperatures are moderate, ranging from  the mid-70s to mid-80s Fahrenheit (24-29°C), creating an ideal  environment for both plants and gardeners. 


July is a great month for harvesting a variety of crops. Depending on the  region and altitude, you can expect to gather, tomatoes, peppers,  zucchini, beans and corn.

  • Tomatoes- ripen well in the warm, sunny weather. 

  • Peppers- both sweet and hot peppers are ready for picking.

  • Zucchini- thrive in the fertile soil and are usually ready by mid-July.

  • Beans- green beans and other varieties can be harvested.

  • Corn- some areas corn reaches maturity and is ready for harvest.

Make sure to check your plants daily, as the warm weather can cause  fruits and vegetables to ripen quickly. 


July is also a favourable time to plant new crops. Consider planting:

  • Leafy Greens- lettuce, spinach and kale can be planted and will grow  well in the cooler, rainy conditions of the upcoming months. ~ Root Vegetables- carrots, beets and radishes are good options for  planting in July. 

  • Herbs- basil, cilantro and parsley can be started now for a steady supply  of fresh herbs. 

  • Cover Crops- planting cover crops like clover or alfalfa can help enrich  the soil for future planting. 


Composting is essential for maintaining a healthy garden ecosystem. 

  • Balancing Greens and Browns- add kitchen scraps (greens) and dry  leaves or cardboard (browns) to maintain a balanced compost pile. ~ Turning the Pile- regularly turning your compost pile helps aerate it and  speeds up the decomposition process. 

  • Moisture Levels- keep the compost pile moist but not soggy, especially  during the drier spells of July. 

image of a papaya tree in costa rica with lots of papayas hanging

The optimal lunar planting  

dates for the month are July 6  

to 11. Weather reports predict  

another turbulent season of  

heavy tropical storms this  

year, likely due to global  

warming and the vanishing  

rain forests that once kept the  

balance in the water cycle –  

more reason to plant trees this  

year to help change our  

present direction on the  


July represents the latest “safe” date for planting trees, as young trees  need sufficient time to root well in the soil before the dry season arrives at  the end of the year. Fruit trees such as citruses, mangos, avocados, star  fruit, coconuts and rambutan are good choices for home lots. Check with  your local nurseries for grafted fruit trees appropriate for your location.

July continues to be a great time to make compost fertilizer from those  grass clippings, leaves and biomass collected around the home. Although  I now mow the lawn twice a month. Free fertilizer helps lower the cost of  growing homegrown food, which in turn means lower food bills each week. 

By focusing on harvesting, planting, and composting, you can make the  most of July's gardening opportunities in Costa Rica. Happy gardening!


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