Nikori Manifesto

Nikori Luxury

Nikori is a place where your family and friends can reconnect with each other in a relaxed environment. Nikori builds beautiful homes that seamlessly connect with nature.


We all share a vision for a thriving regenerative future for each of us. Our individual skills, backgrounds and contributions, are integral to the realization of this dream. Our love for food to table and operating our own organic regenerative farm in the community.

The way forward is inclusive, collaborative, fair, regenerative and co-creative.


We are organic, planters, protectors, committed to living a lifestyle that heals not hurts the natural ecosystem around us.



We are good neighbors, we are good friends. Together we support our children, our elders, our mothers, our fathers. We are an interconnected, interdependent community, looking out for the health and happiness as part of the collective village.

Natural Design

We radically question everything and design and implement better solutions for a thriving world. We are activists, aiming to inspire small changes, architectural changes, cultural changes. It is our privilege to ask, how can we offer support to our human and environmental design?

We are here on this planet to serve and better our communities and experience whole life.


Wellness is Nutrition

We question the norms we have used. Why? Current synthetic medicine is not preventative - it’s a band aid to our true healing. Our organic farms, trees and environment create a living farm to table community. We promote natural prevention and healing with a consultative web service on nutrition.

No broken supply chains.
No sprayed food.

Everything is designed and implemented within our inspirational communities.

We hope the journey you embark on with us is not forgotten. You will love our ecosystem of homes, hotels and amenities. Our hope is your journey and ability to relax will create a healthy state of self.

Nikori Lifestyles